New soflens 59 contact lenses from Lensonline – 5 benefits you didn’t know about

Lensonline recently released the soflens 59 contact lenses, and there are already people out there who are eager to try them. But this time around, we’re not going to talk about the benefits of these lenses, which have been talked about ad nauseam by now.

Instead, we’re going to go over the benefits of soflens 59 contact lenses from Lensonline that most people don’t know about yet, or simply don’t appreciate fully enough.

soflens 59 contact lenses

1) Focus, effortless

If you’ve been looking for a new brand of contact lenses, you may have come across soflens 59. Here are five benefits of these lenses that you may not have known about:

  1. They help you focus better. With affordable soflens 59 price, you’ll be able to see more clearly and avoid eye strain.
  2. They’re more comfortable. These lenses are made with a soft material that is gentle on your eyes.
  3. They’re easy to use. Unlike some other brands of contact lenses, soflens 59 is easy to put in and take out.

2) Comfort, all day long

With soflens 59 contact lenses, you’ll enjoy all-day comfort. These lenses are made of a soft material that conforms to the shape of your eye, and they have a special design that helps keep them in place. Plus, they’re easy to put in and take out.

You’ll forget you’re wearing them (three sentences): Once you put in soflens 59 contact lenses, you’ll forget you’re wearing them. That’s because they’re designed to provide clear vision and consistent comfort throughout the day. And since they’re made of a soft material, they won’t irritate your eyes.

3) Increased coverage, better vision

If you have astigmatism, you’re not alone. An estimated 36% of Americans suffer from this common refractive error. And while there are many options for correcting astigmatism, not all are created equal.

For instance, traditional hard contact lenses only correct vision in the center of the lens, leaving the peripheral vision blurry. But new soflens 59 contact lenses from Lensonline correct vision across the entire lens, giving you clear vision from every angle. In addition to providing better vision, soflens 59 lenses also offer increased coverage, making them ideal for those with larger pupils or dry eyes.

4) Preservative free – no risk of irritation

Most of us are familiar with the standard contact lens solution that comes in a multi-use bottle. You put your lenses in it to soak overnight, and then hopefully remember to take them out in the morning! But did you know that there is now a new type of solution that is preservative-free?

This means that there is no risk of irritation or other problems caused by preservative build-up on your lenses.

5) One-year warranty, no questions asked!

So many people are hesitant to switch to contacts because they think they’re delicate and will break easily. With the new soflens 59 contact lenses from Lensonline, you don’t have to worry about that! These lenses come with a one-year warranty, so if anything happens to them, you can get a replacement pair no questions asked.

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