Here is your guide on the different types of contact lenses available in the market

The purpose of contact lenses has evolved over time. No longer it’s just for people who don’t prefer glasses. It has found its way into the fashion world to everyday lifestyle.

But if you are someone new or a novice to this; you need to have some basic knowledge before you go on exploring some for your self.

Keep on reading to know what type of lenses are available.

  1. The categories

Contact lenses can be categorised into two:-

  • Soft: made from soft, flexible plastic to allow oxygen flow and for a comfortable experience. E.g. silicone-hydrogels
  • Rigid Gas Permeable: more durable and resistant to deposit buildup, and generally give a clearer, crisper vision. Granted their lifeline; they are pretty affordable. However, it takes time for one to get comfortable with these.

If you search up  lensonline colored contact lenses buy online, these details will be there in the specifications.

  1. Usage limit

Another type comes on the basis of the amount of time they are used for.

  • Extended wear: They can be used for a time limit of 24 hours to 30 days depending upon the brand. They are usually soft contact lenses but the rigid gas permeable ones only last for a night or so.
  • Disposable: These are your typical one time use contact lenses that once used needs to be disposed of. Under no circumstance can they be used again.

Over the internet, if you look up  lensonline colored contact lenses price, such disposable lenses are quite expensive.


  1. Purpose

Under this category, there are two:

  • Eye-sight correction: These are your prescribes ones.
  • Trend/Fashion or other: This simply covers the coloured contact lenses that are generally disposable and are used more for the purpose of fashion or when required. Your lensonline colored contact lenses online are popular because of this trend requirement.

Remember, that wearing contact lenses is not comfortable for everyone. It needs a lot of precaution and maintenance. Hence, one should only wear them if they are ready to put in the extra efforts.

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