Your Dream Destination – Spain! Welcome to Spain

If you are worrying about getting a visa to a foreign country, then you do not need to worry anymore as Visas R Us comes with its amazing facilities where you can get Dubai Visa London, India visa UK, Visas R Us Spanish Visa London, and many more.

As the month of March is heading towards an end and the holiday season is coming, what better than this time to plan your trips to various countries. One of the most famous holiday destinations in the world is Spain. It is one of the best destination to spend your summer vacation. Well when we have given you this idea, we would help you to know the tits and bits of it.


Spain, in Europe hosts some of the most beautiful cities and monuments of the world. The center of attraction, especially for football lovers, is the city of Barcelona. With beaches like Benidorm, architectural cities like Seville and lip smacking Spanish cuisine, it is ought to be the best trip of your life. But to get in there, you need to have a Spanish visa. You can easily apply for a Spanish visa through agents Visas R Us. Visas R Us provides Spain visa UK, from India, USA, Dubai, pr any other country.

Requirements For A Spanish Visa

Now the required documents for getting a Spanish Visa, as mentioned by the Spanish government in their official site are as follows

  1. Visa Application Form
  2. Passport Size Photographs
  3. Passport
  4. Copies of passport with Relevant information
  5. Flight Reservation
  6. Accommodation Proof
  7. Medical Insurance and Certificate
  8. Proof of Sufficient Financial Means

With the following requirements you can surely get a Spanish Visa. The most important part of applying forĀ  a Visa is filling up the Visa Application Form. So do make sure to fill in the correct details and relevant reasons of travel. With these kept in find, you can surely enjoy your dream dream to Spain. Till then, Gracias y buen dia(Thank you and Good day).

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