estos MetaDirectory 4 Enterprise Now Available

Starnberg, 7/8/2017

With immediate effect, MetaDirectory Enterprise Version 4 is available with a host of new features: web service-based replicators, user administration, user-based licensing, 64-bit architecture, and support for IPv6. In principle, the MetaDirectory 4 Enterprise combines existing, distributed contact data from different data sources into a company-wide directory based on LDAP. It processes names, addresses, phone numbers, images and customer-specific information, standardizes and normalizes them – especially for unified communications hardware and software solutions that rely on the LDAP standard. This ensures a simple search and quick presentation of the results – even with large data files.

Web service-based replicators enable data from cloud-based systems to be replicated. For example, contacts from MS Office365, MS Dynamics365, Google G Suite or Salesforce are also available in the company-wide LDAP directory. The user-specific access control contributes to the protection of sensitive data in the sense of the “need-to-know” principle. The administrator can define which members of a group can view certain contact data. Information is only displayed if it is relevant to the searcher. For example, if a member of the Sales team searches for a contact, the result includes contact information about offers, licenses, and sales, whereas a member of the Development team receives only the contact data for the same contact. “In the new version of MetaDirectory, we have changed from server to user-based licensing,” explains Joachim Frenzel, Product Manager at estos. “This makes our directory service more affordable for smaller companies and therefore more attractive to use.” With the new 64-bit architecture and the additional support of IPv6, the estos directory service is sustainable in the long term. In conjunction with a Unified Communications & CTI software suite such as ProCall Enterprise, the deployment forms the foundation for business process integration.

MetaDirectory 4 Enterprise from estos is now available directly from estos and sales partners such as ITK distributors, qualified retailers and trained system integrators. Further information can be found at ( .

estos GmbH
Susanna Heine
Petersbrunner Str. 3a
82319 Starnberg
Phone: +49 8151 36856-122

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