Ayurvedic Medicines – Helping to cure Infertility

Infertility refers to the biological problem where a person is not able to contribute to the conception. In another word, we can say that when a male or femaleis not able to make the baby or carry any pregnancy to its full term. Then this Ayurvedic Medicine For Infertility is there to cure the problem. Ayurveda has got immense importance since the medieval era, people have been trusting the goodness of it but that started fading away with the introduction of newly practiced medications

Ayurvedic Medicine for Infertility

Causes of infertility

In female result has been found that infertility is caused due to the structural problem like blocked fallopian tubes, the defect in the cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. On the other hand in male infertility can cause by anatomical, psychological, hormonal or lifestyle problems.  This has found that approximately 20% of couples can’t be determined using the currently available method of investigation of infertility. Thank god to Ayurvedic infertility treatment all the causes can be evaluated and the root cause is found with rejuvenating Ramayana’s, herbal treatment and many more.


  • One and only symptom of the infertility is the failure to reproduction.

Treatment of Infertility in Ayurveda

Infertility is still considered as a stigma in many societies. However, people don’t know that it’s a medical condition and it just needs treatment to be cured.  The common treatment of infertility for both men and women are

  • Basti’

These arespecificmedicated oils. This improves the quality of semen and ovum.

  • Shirodhara therapy

There are many oils used for the treatment of hormonal imbalances in Ayurveda. In this treatment or we can say that in this therapy it involves pouring of oil on the forehead at a particular point and helps to bring the mind to a balanced state. In women, this stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles.


Ayurvedic Home Remedies

  1. Swedanam
  2. Vamanam
  3. Banyan tree bark

In the first process sweating with the help of blankets and exercise.

The second one is the detoxing therapy and involves regurgitating the toxins in the body.

And the last one is recommended by the doctor that consumption of the powder of dried banyan tree bark, mixed with sugar as one of the best ayurvedic home remedies for Infertility.

Diet and lifestyle

Changes in diet

The change of diet includes food like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and walnuts boost the chances of conception. Food like which are high in fat content, carbohydrates, spicy and caffeine should be avoided.

Changes in lifestyle

As Ayurveda focuses on treatment, it is essential that the couple who wants to conceive a healthy baby should make changes in their lifestyle. Quitting bad habits such as smoking, drugs and alcohol must be avoided to conceive a healthy baby. Too should have a positive attitude.

As we all know Ayurveda is 5000 years old, is one of the oldest treatment methods and is very reliable. People should never think about society what the will think or something like that. And they should never give up on bringing a new life into this world for this. They should immediately prefer to go to the doctor and ask for the treatment.

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