The types of Asthma

Asthma is one of the fatal diseases which can even kill a person. A person suffering from asthma always needs to be careful regarding health and surroundings. Precautions should always be taken by the patient who is suffering from asthma.  There are types of asthma. A patient can have mild or severe asthma depending upon the causes of asthma. Some of the types of asthma are stated below.

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Allergies and asthma: A person allergic to dust may even have asthma. Allergies are the main cause for asthma, especially dust allergy. A person who is allergic to dust and some other things should even have a check-up for asthma.

Exercise-induced asthma: A person who doesn’t have a strong immune system is always advised to stay away from heavy exercise. Exercises can cause asthma or similar kind of breathing problems to the person who has a weak immune system. A patient who is already suffering from asthma should stay away from exercises.

Genetic asthma.

This type of asthma runs in the family. A kid whose parents are suffering from asthma, is likely to have asthma since birth. Even if there is a member of the family who was or is a patient of asthma, then the kid might also have asthma as they share the same genes.

Cough variant asthma.

A severe cough is one of the main symptoms of asthma and is often looked while a diagnosis of asthma. A person who always has a cough, is more likely to get asthma.

Occupational asthma.

Crowded places can be one of the causes of asthma. A person who has a phobia of the crowd is more likely to find difficulty in breathing while in a crowd, which may lead to asthma.

Nocturnal asthma.

Nocturnal or night time asthma is one of the common types of asthma. In this type, the patient finds it difficult to breathe while sleeping due to which the person is not able to sleep. In such cases, the doctor gives certain medicines which should be taken during the night time in order to get relief from asthma attacks.

Breathing problems are resembling asthma.

There are certain kinds of breathing problems which appear similar to asthma. In such problems, the patient finds it difficult to breathe in certain conditions and for certain period of time, after which he/she is able to breathe properly. Such problems should not be avoided as they might further lead to a mild or severe case of asthma in the future.

These were some of the types of asthma. Though a cure for asthma is not yet found one can Get Homeopathic Asthma Treatment in Mumbai at Imperial Clinics. Homeopathic treatment can give relief to the patients and can suppress the symptoms which cause asthma. Moreover, a person suffering from asthma should always remain careful about health and should avoid the things which can induce asthma, like lifting things, running, exercise and many more.

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