An Undiscovered Side of Germany

Germany Schengen Visa

Germany, what comes to your mind when you hear this name? Hitler, the Nazis? We, know these might be the first thought when it comes to a country like Germany. But, that in the past. What if, we say, it is a land where history and culture meet natural landscapes and progressive intellect? Germany, above everything, is a country that you would love to spend your vacation in. So, here we are giving you a virtual tour of the country.

As the lockdown rules are getting lifted, Germany is now being slowly open to tourists’ reservations. So if you are planning to visit Germany, then its time you get ready with your Germany Schengen Visa.

Why A Schengen Visa?

Germany is one of the Schengen countries that agreed-upon giving up of international borders with the Schengen countries. So a Schengen visa would give you the additional perk of accessing other Schengen countries, while you have to enter the area through Germany.

Citizens of the U.K, have some additional requirements to fulfill. A Germany visa U.K and Germany Visa London have been made different after the Brexit. But both of them are to be submitted in the German Embassy located in London

Things to Do in Germany.

Traveling and exploring famous places in the land is the most common thing to do. Apart from these, there are some places which stay unexplored. In your visit to Germany, here is a list of crazy stuff to should give a try.

  1. Exploring Underground Spaces of Various Cities.
  2. Trying on Extraordinary food like the ‘Chicken of the Tree’ which is mushroom tasting just the same as chicken.
  3. A visit to Berlin Unterwelten.
  4. Rakotzbrucke Devil’s Bridge.
  5. Trying of Special German Wine found in the Rhine Valleys.


There can be a lot of sides of a place that stay undiscovered. But, the world is a small circle and every part of it is ought to be discovered someday. Till then, enjoy your experience of traveling and keep exploring new things every day.

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