All your basic Questions Answered about Lenses

While trying something new or different and getting new experiences can be exciting for some, it can be way more difficult and intimidating to others. So, to make the transition easier, it always helpful to get enough fundamental information and guidance from experts of the concerned field. With regard to our current topic, buying and using lenses for the first time can be tough but with external resources, one hesitates much lesser and knows how to go about making the right purchase and eventually getting a value for his or her money. It also helps one in educating oneself about the uses, benefits and overall functionality of the product.

Let us quickly move on to the FAQs about contact lenses now!

Can everyone wear lens casually?

The science of lens is so advanced that is cures more problems than any other ocular device with minimal risk. So, anyone may wear contact lens- for eye problems or aesthetic purposes alike. It is a convenient and simple way to eye health care.

How to get and choose the right lens?

One has to start by finding an expert eye doctor or practitioner who can check the eye needs and recommend quality contact lenses such as the Biofinity contact lenses. Lenses are of various types and depending on the problems of the wearer, and fitting of the eye, get an expert recommendation.

What is the age limit for contact lens, if any?

Contact lens has no age barrier whatsoever. Kids as well as elders may benefit from the right type lens, if used properly. Research shows that even babies can wear contact lens without any risk, under controlled conditions.

What risks am I assuming?

A lot of people have reported side effects and eye problems such as keratitis, due to the use of lens. However, more often than not, it is the improper use, insufficient knowledge, cheap quality or improper maintenance of lens and eye hygiene. Hence, upon following prescribed guidelines, one isn’t exposed to greater risks.

How to check for eye problems with or due to the lens?

Checking for potential eye problems is as easy as wearing lenses. Beginners often feel slight discomfort, eye irritation, redness, watery eyes, etc. All such problems show signs or may be felt in their initial phases itself and are usually rather small in magnitude. Consult an eye doctor accordingly.

What are bifocal and multifocal lens?

Bifocal lens is a type of multifocal lens itself. Multifocal lens functions very similarly to progressive specs but are much more modern and natural looking. In it, there are a number of focal points in the lens according to the eye needs of the wearer. Bifocals have two prescriptions.

How to store and maintain them in a hygienic manner?

Use quality sterile solutions as prescribed or suggested by the doctor. Clean, rinse and dry every time after taking them off. Put them on or off only with clean, sanitized hands. Clean the storage container at least once a week. Do not compromise on the quality of lens or the solutions. Do not expose or store them extreme temperatures.

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